It is YOUR time to find the increased happiness you deserve for dedicating your life to another.

Every woman should take this transformational program. 

  • This transformational program is for all women; single, married, or divorced. (We all have boys and men in our life)  
  • Each class is full of life-changing information to set yourself up for success.
  • If you have a good marriage get ready to make it great. If your marriage is struggling, this may be the answer you have been looking for.

10-Week Transformational Program

  • Learn The Language of Men. (It's true he speaks a different language) 

  • Learn actual TOOLS that are applicable to your life and marriage.

  • Learn how to communicate in a way that you will feel heard. 

  • Learn how to bring more balance to your life, increasing your own personal happiness. 

"Sharing what I have learned with women is my passion."

I created Taming Jane Academy after coaching many women through the same process I took myself through. The results were so phenomenal I knew I couldn't keep this information to myself! I am so excited to share it with YOU! Trina

It's YOUR time!


Graduates of TJA


If you are wondering if this program would be beneficial to you, do it! You will be amazed at the transformation of yourself and your relationship! You will learn new skills and be encouraged and inspired to show up in a way that changes everything for you and for him. Greater happiness, greater love, greater contentment. These are what lay on the other side of the work you put into this program. I can not say enough good about it!​



Taming Jane Academy provided me with the knowledge of how to build a stronger marriage an

Not only did this class provide me with a stronger realization that my marriage needs work every day of our existence but it helped me to realize that within this process of creating my love story I need to be kind to myself. I love how Trina continued to build us as women up. Every day after class I felt like I wanted to be better and that gave me motivation to make changes very quickly!



I learned SO many things that amazed me and
helped me make sense out of everything in my
marriage that didn't make sense, things that I
could never figure out how to change. I tound
myself in tears of joy almost nightly because of
the changes that were taking place in my mar-
riage and my husband. We are closer now than
we were when we dated. He adores me and
loves me and protects me. He wants to be a
better man for me because of how I treat him.
Most importantly I have never seen him this
happy before, he has the desire to be the best
man that he can be for our family. I am so proud
of the man that he is and has become, because
of Trina we will be HAPPILY married for years
and years to come. Everyone deserves this kind
of marital bliss. Oh and
our sex life is FABULOUS

~Tahnee Halverson

Frequently Asked Questions

We are meant to feel happiness DAILY, even among the chaos marriage and family life will bring.



As marriages are strengthened, we create a stronger foundation for our families to build upon. This will help leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren.