Taming Jane Academy Transformational Program

Elevate your marriage through intention and understanding your man’s language.



What is this all about?

Discover the transformative journey that awaits you with Taming Jane Academy. Unlock the secrets to better understanding yourself and your relationships. Join us and elevate your life to new heights!

Taming Jane Academy

What is Taming Jane Academy?

  • Taming Jane Academy is a recorded online 10-week transformational program that helps women strengthen their marriage and/or relationship.
  • Every week you will receive a recorded masterclass delivered to your online program. The recorded class is full of like-minded women like yourself who want to ELEVATE their marriage.
  • Do you want to be able to communicate with your man in a way that will resonate with him, and you will feel heard?
  • Do you want to understand why YOU have lost a part of you? Where did she go?
  • In Taming Jane Academy, you will learn The Language of Men and the origin of The Intense Woman.
  • This powerful transformation sets women up for success. Not only will you understand men better, but you will understand YOURSELF better! This is EMPOWERING!
  • Trina believes we should never stop learning. And choosing to learn how to strengthen your relationships is the GREATEST learning you will ever do!
Who is Taming Jane Academy For?

Who is Taming Jane Academy For?

  • 🤔 Would you like to learn how men work and think? Then this program is for you!
  • 🤔 Single, married, or divorced this class will change your perception so much you'll wonder how you have lived without this information.
  • 🤔 If you have a good marriage, get ready to make it great!
  • 🤔 If you are struggling in your marriage, this may be the answer you have been looking for!
  • 🤔 Stop settling and start creating the happiness you deserve!
Trina Glines

Who is Trina Glines?

Hi! I am the founder and creator of Taming Jane Academy. I developed this transformational program after coaching many women through the same process I undertook myself. The results were so phenomenal that I knew I couldn't keep this information to myself! I am thrilled to share it with YOU!

Struggles Before the Transformation

  • Confused About Men's Behavior: Struggling to understand why men act the way they do, leading to frequent misunderstandings.
  • Communication Challenges: Finding it hard to communicate effectively with men, often feeling unheard or misunderstood.
  • Past Resentments: Holding onto past resentments and negative experiences with men, affecting current relationships.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Feeling insecure and doubting your worth in relationships, leading to anxiety and overthinking.
  • Intense Emotions: Experiencing intense emotions that sometimes lead to conflicts or emotional outbursts.
  • Lack of Trust: Struggling to trust men due to past betrayals or disappointments.
  • Unmet Needs: Feeling that your needs are not being met in relationships, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.
  • Negative Blueprints: Operating from negative blueprints or patterns learned from past relationships or upbringing.
  • Fear of Emasculating Men: Worrying about unintentionally emasculating men and damaging the relationship.
  • Unclear Goals: Lacking clear goals and direction for what you want in a relationship and how to achieve it.

Transformation Qualities after the Program

  • Understanding and Empathy: Gained a deep understanding of men's behavior and communication styles, leading to better empathy and connection.
  • Effective Communication: Mastered effective communication techniques, ensuring that both you and your partner feel heard and understood.
  • Healing and Forgiveness: Healed from past resentments and learned to forgive, creating a fresh start for healthier relationships.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Boosted self-esteem and confidence in your worth and value in relationships.
  • Emotional Regulation: Learned to manage and express intense emotions in a healthy and constructive way.
  • Trust Building: Developed strategies to build and maintain trust in relationships, leading to a more secure and stable bond.
  • Needs Fulfillment: Identified and communicated your needs effectively, ensuring they are met in relationships.
  • Positive Blueprints: Replaced negative blueprints with positive patterns, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
  • Respect and Appreciation: Avoided emasculating behaviors and learned to appreciate and respect men, enhancing mutual respect.
  • Clear Vision: Created a clear vision and goals for your relationships, working actively towards achieving a fulfilling partnership.

"Working with Trina in her “Taming Jane” Program has been absolutely transformational! I learned so many things about myself and about my husband that have led to a whole new way of thinking and being. Our marriage has never been better! Trina is a gifted teacher. She led the webinars with creativity, humor, wisdom, and fun! The weekly guided thinking was so useful in creating greater closeness and fun in our marriage! It really helped me to put into practice the things that we were learning. It was a great tool to understanding myself and how I was showing up in my relationship with my husband. ​ If you are wondering if this program would be beneficial to you, do it! You will be amazed at the transformation of yourself and your relationship! You will learn new skills and be encouraged and inspired to show up in a way that changes everything for you and for him. Greater happiness, greater love, greater contentment. These are what lay on the other side of the work you put into this program. I can not say enough good about it!​"


"Taming Jane Academy provided me with the knowledge of how to build a stronger marriage and the WHY of so many questions I had unanswered for YEARS! I quickly realized that if I wanted a change I needed to start with myself. Trina has a gentle but eye opening approach on how to make those changes that will keep you moving in a forward direction with a hope and excitement for your spouse, never wanting to look back. This was an answer to prayer. Not only did this class provide me with a stronger realization that my marriage needs work every day of our existence but it helped me to realize that within this process of creating my love story I need to be kind to myself. I love how Trina continued to build us as women up. Every day after class I felt like I wanted to be better and that gave me motivation to make changes very quickly! "


"Trina provided me with the tools I needed to make my marriage stronger, healthier and happier. She taught me how to communicate more clearly, to better understand my spouse and men in general, and to overcome my own perceived limits. Because of her mentoring, I am happier and my spouse is happier–both as individuals and as a couple. Trina is very direct and she provides concrete ways in which I can improve my marriage. I will forever be grateful for Trina and all she has done for me individually and for my marriage. "


"I cannot NOT express how significant the “Taming Jane” class has been on our marriage. If only we had this knowledge prior to our wedding day we might have avoided 2 decades of miscommunication, needs unfulfilled, hurt feelings, guilt, frustration, and resentment. This material has revealed what marriage can be… now we have the rest of our marriage to work on what could’ve been and can be today. It’s never too late… but I think for most, this information or knowledge is not talked about, taught, or understood."

Students Husband

10-Week Transformational Program

  • START TODAY - The first masterclass is delivered at the time of purchase.

  • Each week for 10 weeks, a new recorded masterclass will be added to your online transformational program.

  • Each class is 1.5 - 2 hours of life-changing information.

  • You'll get a mid-week email to keep you motivated and on track.

  • Learn from other women sharing their experiences.

  • Complete weekly Guided Thinking Homework (PDF fillable and downloadable).

  • Enjoy lifetime access to your online program and rewatch anytime (audio-only available too).

Over 16 Hours of Instruction

This EXCEPTIONAL 10-week RECORDED online course helps women elevate their marriage and/or relationship.

Taming Jane Academy RECORDED Online Course



30-Day Full Refund Money Back Guarantee!


  • Do I need to have a struggling marriage to take this course? Absolutely not. In fact, I would say over half of my clients have pretty good marriages. They are wanting to ELEVATE them! Every woman will benefit from this course. And it not only helps women understand their husbands better but their sons, coworkers, really any men in their life. Including single women still searching for their man. 
  • How does your 30-day guarantee work? Once you sign up you have 30 days, approximately 4 classes, to ask for a refund if you have not found the information taught helpful. No questions asked. 
  • What is the difference between the recorded online course and your LIVE course? I created the recorded version of my course to be able to reach more women. You receive all the same information as my LIVE course. You will not have the ability to ask questions and share comments. But you will hear other women's questions and comments and be able to learn from those.  In my LIVE course I give two ebooks as a gift from me that were a big influence on my journey but I do not teach from them. In the recorded course, I will send you the link to get these books for yourself. The cost is under $20.
  • Why isn't the full course delivered at time of purchase? My goal is to set you up for success. I want to take you through my program following the success of my LIVE semesters. Each week you are learning new concepts and new ideas to process. Having a week to do the homework and to see areas in your life that we discussed in that weeks class will benefit you greatly as you go through the program. You will retain the information so much better. 
  • I have small kids, I don't know if this will work? THIS IS THE BEST PART! You can still be a mom! This course is made for all women, including busy moms! You can put your headphones in and be taking care of the kids while you are listening! I have mom's who watch/listen to the weekly webinar from hotels, airports, work, exercising, cleaning, carpooling, waiting at dance/sport practices and while doing their hair and getting ready! You have the option of watching the class or listening to audio only. 
  • What am I expected to do during the course? I do not put any expectations on you but I do encourage you to put them on yourself. Approach the course like a college class. You have paid for this course, you deserve to give yourself this time to continue your education. Learning knowledge that will help you strengthen your marriage IS the most important thing we ALL should be doing.
    • Try to pick a day and time that you will take the course each week. This will help set you up for success! 
    • Block out the time on your calendar so you do not schedule anything during your class time.
    • The Guided Thinking Homework is a PDF fillable that you can either print off or download on your computer/phone and fill out. The women that get the most out of my program do the homework, and really take the time to process and apply the information they are learning. It is for you to take your training to the next level. 
  • My husband and I are really struggling is this going to fix it? Like with any program no one can guarantee that they will fix your marriage. What I can share is, I have watched women with terrible marriages turn them around. It honestly has been incredible to watch their journeys. I am the mouthpiece, I am sharing with you knowledge that as YOU choose to apply it YOU will make the difference in your marriage. I will encourage you, I will believe in you, I will share with you knowledge that actually WORKS, and I will share with you how I have personally used it in my own marriage.
  • My husband deals with some of his own challenges such as addictions, will this help? I am not a counselor or professional therapist. I believe men and women that are struggling with unhealthy addictions or any type of abuse need to seek professional help. Many of my clients have husbands with some sort of unhealthy struggle in their life. My program can assist these ladies in creating a safe place, a secure foundation, for their husbands to seek their own healing. If you are in a dark place, and you're trying to decide if your marriage is worth saving, my program can help you work on your part. He will need to ultimately choose to do his part. If in the end, he chooses not to do his part, you will know you tried all you could. I do not encourage any woman to stay with a man who is physically abusive. 

10-Week Transformational Program

  • START TODAY  The first masterclass is delivered at the time of purchase.
  • Each week for 10 weeks, a new recorded masterclass will be added to your online transformational program.
  • Each class is 1.5 - 2 hours of life-changing information.
  • You'll receive daily accountability texts and a mid-week email to keep you motivated and on track.
  • Learn from other women sharing their experiences.
  • Complete weekly Guided Thinking Homework (PDF fillable and downloadable).
  • Enjoy lifetime access to your online program and rewatch anytime (audio-only available too).
  • 15-Day Money Back Guarantee No questions asked.

Over 16 Hours of Instruction

This EXCEPTIONAL 10-week transformational program is designed to help you enhance and strengthen your marriage.

Taming Jane Academy RECORDED Online Course



30-Day Full Refund Money Back Guarantee!


FREE Access to Marriage Mentoring Videos with Trina Glines.